Hello, hello,
It's been another warm day here on the mid north coast. The River has been busy with water skiers, wake board riders and giggling littlies being towed clutching onto inflatable rings.......and why not, it would be the coolest place to be other than the beach, that is!
Mind you, a pack of wild horses couldn't get me into the river......I've seen snakes swimming in there :(
R.R.I (recently retired Ian ! that's what I'm calling him at the moment with me W.O.R.R.I..........can you work that one out?) and I walked up to town to pick up the papers and decided to have lunch whilst we were there.....Very civilised ah! Too hot to be in the garden, but it's looking pretty tidy after a couple of days work.....So I thought I'd complete a few more pages of my December Daily. Did I mention this little project somewhere here?
OK well, I was on the back foot from the word go. I thought as this was my first, I'd order a complete kit. Folder, inserts, coordinating papers and embellishments. It arrived at my house on the 1st December, after it's cruise from the US! I think I understand now how people feel on receiving a food hamper. It was such fun, going through all the little packages containing the bits I'd need to make my Journal festive.
I was invited to check in to the on line group and follow the progress of other December Daily 'keepers'. Only to find out that the savvy ones had probably had their kits long enough to set up the pages inside before December started....yeah right!
They'd set up the different sized inserts, spacing them evenly throughout the Journal. Added the decorated journaling cards, leaving enough pockets empty to enter photos and a line of text or two! The really experiences girls had the front of the journal decorated with the first, introduction page done too. Oh yes this makes sense ....who has the time to sit and do all this during December, along with everything else?
Note to self: start earlier next time!
WELL, not to be put off, I'd get to it, I WOULD!
Perhaps I should keep a notebook as well, (thinks I) Just to jot down, what was happening and when. Thank goodness I did that at least, because to be honest, I really didn't do much else to my journal before Christmas :) Waaaay too much going on in this house before we left for Victoria.
I'm still working on it........and enjoying it too! I think I'm pretty much up to Christmas day....(OK it's only 11th Jan!)
I must say I have enjoyed flipping through the completed pages. Have I really done something on every day that was worthy of a photo......YEP even if it was just coffee and cake out, with a quick photo taken on the iphone. The Boss is getting used to me whipping out the phone to snap a quick pic!
I still have to make up the first page and decorate the front of my Journal, but both will be kept pretty simple...Less is more...after all! You should see my desk............what a mess. Want to see?
Haha, I didn't put the wide angle lens on.........this mess spreads over two desk tops :)
Have you kept a December Daily? did you enjoy it? I'd love to hear your thoughts........For me I'd do it again and am seriously thinking about a weekly Journal......Project Life...... Walshie style of course!!!!
See ya later!

Looks like you've been having fun Sue! If you're at Christmas day, you're nearly there!
I started one and then caught up in everything else. So I have set it aside and will think about finishing it later. Yours is going to be gorgeous!
Sorry no December daily here. I am way to busy with 3 kiddos having birthdays in December, end of school, Christmas concerts and then Christmas - the thought to attempt something like this is just to much pressure. Of course I have hundreds of pics. Keep up the work you are nearly done.
Your messy desk looks way to tidy, better not show any pics of mine when I am WIP.
As for what does WORRI stand for - easy wife of recently retired Ian.
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