Thursday, 26 January 2012

Happy Australia Day!

Hello Blogger's.

Today we Australian's are celebrating our National Day.  

However you celebrate Australia Day, have a safe and happy day!



Betty Benton said...

Have a wonderful day Sue -- love the graphic!

Patti J said...

Oh Happy Day, my friend! Hope it's a day full of fun and blessings!

Karen (TLgirl353) said...

Have a great day, Sue! That little graphic is adorable, but I didn't know that you Aussies looked so different-hahhahahaha!

Narelle said...

Happy Australia Day to you too Sue!
We attended the local community BBq where my daughter was part of the flag raising ceremony in her Girl Guide uniform! And my Dad won the citizen of the year, so we are going for a celebration BBQ tonight- throwing some lamb on the BBQ and eating pav for dessert!!

Deborah Frings said...

Great graphic - hope you've had a super Australia Day!