Hi Bloggers,
I've been sewing! My machines have been serviced so I'm enjoying the sound they make as they stitch for me.......it's a bit like purring!
I've finally made time for some new cushion covers for the chairs that sit out the front on the balcony.
A table cloth too, made from fabric I had in my stash, which is very satisfying!
I had to visit our local (ish) craft store, Spotlight the other day. It was in the middle of a re-vamp with piles of stuff being moved around. In fact there were probably more people moving product than there were people buying it.
Oh what fun though, they had bins full of amazing bargains......I couldn't resist adding a few to my basket.
Like this little LED rechargeable folding desk lamp for $10 which was half the sale price! I bought us one each, his is black and mine is white.......perfect to use for close work, colouring or stitching and easy to carry when traveling.
I couldn't resist a couple of Amy Tangerine products: A date stamp for $5 and these sweet little tags for $2
I also bagged a pack of 40 themed cards for Project Life......just under $5, fabulous!
I won't bore you with the household bits and bobs ......... well not here anyway!
I got so carried away I left the store, then remembered what I actually called in for....so had to go back........$7 for some stiffener to make fabric bag handles! Another little sewing project yet to be started. The pretty fabric was bought on our last road trip, when we visited Yamba in northern NSW.
I do love sorting through the bargain bins..........how about you?

Yep! Me too...love it when I find a bargain!
Your sewing projects look great Sue, Spotlight is a great store for browsing especially when there are bargains to be had! I clipped pics of some pretty cloth bags from one of their recent catalogs but have just admired the pics so far...haven't ventured in to see about making one yet. Cathy x
Yep, go on to buy one thing and end up with a basket full of stuff I didn't even know I needed!
Love those cushions - why don't you live closer to me!
Another one for the bargain bin! Must admit haven't been near a craft store for a while (bricks & mortar or online)unless you count Bunnings! Must be time for a visit or two or three...
Great fabric love the bright colours and all the other must haves.
Your cushions are fab too.
Love the birds is it the table cloth?
Yes the birdies are machine appliquéd to a circular cloth I cut from the remainder of the teal homespun. I used stranded cotton to add the birds beak and eye!
Gotta love a bargain.
I must admit that I have one of these lights and absolutely love it.
It travels with me.
Hi Sue, lovely chatty post, I'm with you and the others, bargains always make me smile! Your cushions are really lovely and that straight line quilting suits them beautifully :-) Thank you for the lovely comments on my blog, I always enjoy your visits; sorry you come up as a no-reply-er so I am replying here!!
I wish my Spotlight had Awesome bargains like this lol, but then again maybe it's better if they don't roflol!
LOVE your cushions, Sue...wish I could sew lol!
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