Hi all,
It's been quite hot here for the last few days and even after a storm at the end of the day the temperature seems to remain quite high .....thank goodness for air conditioning!
Walshie and I had our first swim in the pool this season after a very frustrating day today! We've been changing the window covering tracks ..... what a horrid WARM job.
I haven't made a card for a couple of days but I have completed four more note pads ready for 'Les girls' Christmas treats.
These are so easy to put together and they use odds and ends of leftover card stock. I have to make one for me now... Oh and one for my Mum ... she would use hers for shopping lists for sure.
I also had a go at a candle!!! Now don't laugh when you see it! I found lots of candles when I was clearing out the cupboards. I also found folded tissue paper that I though I could use so ironed it first then set to work. I have to say my paper didn't stick to the candle in a very smooth fashion, however I quite like the mottled look!!! I plan to make a table decoration for the coffee table with mine as its a beautifully scented candle.
Well that's it for now will try and get some cards together though it might have to wait until 'his nibs' goes back to work!!!
Till next time......

Hi Sue, I was just thinking about you having seen the bush fires on the news in NSW, hoping all's well where you are and that the extreme heat doesn't last too long! We are having torrential rain this evening - the garden is desperate for it though.
I love your note books, so pretty, and a fab idea for Christmas pressies. I haven't done any crafting for 5 weeks as my mom is visiting from Britain, hopefully I'll get some cards done in the next few weeks and she can take them back and save me a fortune in stamps! I like the candle too, lovely texture on it. Hope your well. Love Jo x
Yes Sue! Love the notebooks and the candle- Raining in Melbourne too tonight- what a fabulous sound-we have all the doors and windows open so that we can hear it! hope you will get it tomorrow!
Your candle is fantastic! I love the note pads as well, sounds as if you 2 are staying very busy! Enjoy your pool and warm weather, it's down in the 40's here today........COLD!
I love your notepads, they're great! You candle is wonderful too! I understand they aren't as easy as Gina makes them look! LOL! I wish I was swimming instead of digging out snow boots! Have a great weekend!
Hi Sue. Missed you while you were gone. These note pads are great. They are always a welcome gift. The candle is fantastic. I really like the mottled look. Makes it look like frosted glass.
Your note pads are great, and your candle turned out fantastic, better than mine.....
Love the notepads!! absolutly gorgeous!!!!
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