My day wouldn't be complete without a visit to Pinterest. I'm sure I'm not alone. I have so many collections over there...... of all kinds!
I've been thinking of late that perhaps it's time to cull some, maybe discard the ones I've no further interest in, or those I've tried and added to my repertoire. Time consuming but for this 'neat freak' the idea appeals . Does anyone else do this?
Recently I've been fascinated by folded book art, I'm not sure about the words but I've seen some amazing hearts. Don't be surprised to see something here one day :)
For a while too, I've been following Planners, Filofax and Journal 'keepers'......is that what you'd call them? I really admire those people who keep a diary and make it a thing of beauty. I always had a Filofax in my handbag when I was working. It's lounging on a shelf these days. I couldn't have managed without one, but it's something I've let slip. I do have a stack of notebooks around the place thought, keeping different ones for household stuff like window sizes, paint colours, that kind of thing. Sewing notebooks with lists of all my different thread colours, needles and sewing machine feet. I always take a notebook away with me when we travel too, but it would be great to have a system that keeps everything together or at least that is inter-changeable.
Can you guess where this is leading? I thought a Midori Travellers Notebook might be just the thing for me. A compact folder I could switch around depending what I needed at any given time.
If you don't know, the Midori is a leather folder with elastic running down the spine to enable notebooks to be inserted. The original inserts come in various designs, lined, grids plain etc.
Faux Midori's are everywhere around the web, and to be honest if you can get hold of some reasonably stiff leather it's not hard to make your own. Notebook/Diary printable pages are available through etsy as well as quite a few very generous people offering their versions to download for free.
Search Pinterest, you'll see the favourites popping up often. You can add pen holders, book marks and all kinds of charms and decoration to personalise your notebook.
I thought before I purchase a Travellers Notebook I'd have a go at making a 'Card Dori' using some heavy weight brown card. Mine measures 8.75 inches x 5.5 inches wide (wider than the real leather ones).
I dyed my elastic using a pink Copic marker adding a small heart charm.
I also downloaded a free insert to print, just to see if I'd use the Daily Planner.
A couple of sites offering free downloads are Here and Here .
Ray designed the file pocket I added to my Card Dori :)
I snagged some great images HERE to cut as stickers for my Planner. Easy to do with a Silhouette Cameo :) Small stamps are perfect for page decoration along with Washi Tape, if this is your style.
Browsing Instagram I've seen so many creative planners that also include beautiful calligraphy. How cool to see beautiful penmanship becoming so fashionable again.
What about a 'Fabric Dori" I made this one on a wet afternoon and this time I got the lacing right for the spine elastic.
It looks much better and....... fancy..... I got to use some eyelets and my self setter! It's been a while since they've seen the light of day!
It looks much better and....... fancy..... I got to use some eyelets and my self setter! It's been a while since they've seen the light of day!

Now, just need to add a couple of notebooks.
I also read that LG make a pocket printer....gasp! It connects to your mobile phone enabling you to print off a photo straight away. Now you can add photos directly to your travel journal. So cool and definatley on my wish list!
So thank you once again Pinterest, I've enjoyed jogging around seeing everyone's ideas and as always am amazed at how many crafty people are super generous, sharing !
Oh yes, in case you're wondering, after mulling over all the different options (and there really are lots) I finally ordered one. The genuine Midori Travellers Notebook all the way from HERE in the UK. It has some travelling to do before arriving in my mail box LOL!
Thanks so much for your visit today :-), till next time..........
I love Pinterest when my mojo has gone, great projects. xx
These are fabulous. I would be totally lost without my paper organiser. Almost everyone I know uses an electronic one now. I jazzed mine up with washi tape to mark the school holidays and different coloured markers for different types of holidays and events (birthdays/work events/hubby's work events etc).
And pinterest is on may daily online list too! :)
I to love pinterest..............fantastic project!
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