Thursday 22 October 2015

Hello, hello,

What a terrible blogger I am, it's been months since I've posted anything here!

As my blogging friends know, the boss and I sold our house, bought a new one that won't be ready to move into until.......wait for it's confirmed .......the beginning of March 2016.  Oh my goodness, I was so hoping it would be Christmas this year.  Still never mind, we think it's worth the wait .......mind you the longer it goes on the more we question if this is going to be the right move.  

We bought a new caravan and moved into it at the end of Feb. which has proved to be very comfortable and we've had a great time in it, so far.   Met all kinds of lovely people, some of them in a similar position to us, waiting to take possession of a new home and still more who own homes but prefer travelling and living mobile.  It really is a very relaxing way to live, without houses and gardens to look after.  'Happy Hour' anytime between 4.30 and 6 pm is the time of day to share a glass of wine and catch up on all the days happenings! 

Oh, and we have spent 4 months in the UK catching up with some of the family and friends.  I posted the odd picture of some of the towns and sights we visited, over on Facebook.  The UK summer wasn't as good as last year but we still managed to pack lots in and clocked up just over 4,000 miles in the car.  

Now we're back 'home' and getting on top of all the paperwork you just can't etc. before heading down to Sydney for a couple of weeks.  It's great having a niece with an apartment in the city who is happy to lend it us while she goes back to the UK for a visit :-)

We're planning Christmas and New Year in Victoria with friends,  where we'll have a fun time before heading north again.  Before you know it March will be here and we'll be busy settling in the house.

 I can't tell you how I'm looking forward to getting all my craft bits out again!  I haven't made a card for so long and my Cameo is boxed away too.  I've been keeping track of all the lovely stamps available from some of my favourite company's though.......and Christmas without homemade cards just won't feel like Christmas! In fact we're saying NO CARDS this year please, as we won't really have an address.

I've been doing some sewing to keep my hands busy, a little cross stitch centre for a new cushion (just need my sewing machine to complete). I've started some EPP hexagons too. I've bought a crochet needle and some cotton  to try my hand at some easy crochet which has been fun .  

We arrived back in Australia in time to watch the whales returning south along the east coast.  It's a magical thing to watch them rolling and playing in the surf though trying to photograph them from land is less than easy.  I did manage a few shots this week and thought I'd share them here with you.

Sending all my blogging friends our best wishes, thanks if you've called past and read this post  :-) I'd hate Blogger to cancel me!!!!!

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Janelle said...

How great is it to hear from you. You sound like you 'ŕe having a wonderful time. The photos are cool. It's what I have always wanted to see but never got around to it yet. Hope you have a memorable Christmas and I ' m looking forward to hearing about your new home in the new year. Best wishes, Janelle ☺

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah wonderful views of the whales, we see them up here too.. we are spoilt in oz to have so many lovely things to see .. birds etc that folks just dont get overseas..

... had your post come up on my dashboard and your house plight caught my eye, hope it is indeed worth the wait for your sakes, still it has brought some new adventures as you say,
God bless you ... Shaz in Oz.x

Anonymous said...

Hi. Thanks for the update. Sounds like you are having a fab time and keeping really busy.
When we did our renovation a few years back I had thought 9 months we will be back in by Christmas. You guessed no. It took another 3 months and we only moved back because I told the builders I wasn't extending the lease! The painter was still painting for weeks when we moved in!
I have been seeing all your great pins wondering what you have been creating. Thanks for the recent pin to :)