Good Morning Blogger's,
It seems like ages since my last post........I've been up to my elbows in paint! Not the craft kind but the horrid household type....yuk. A week ago last Thursday I decided to bite the bullet and clear our bedroom ready to paint it out....... Now I know it sounds easy but nothing is easy in this house!! The bedroom has one wall with three doors on it and the wall is cedar clad. The three remaining walls are painted brick one has a small window and a second has a large window. The remaining wall has cedar at the very top above the brick going up to the high part of the roof!!! (no loft in this house). The windows are all stained dark ( think black).
Because I wanted to paint all the cedar and the windows in a bid to make the room lighter and little more 'modern' it all had to be sealed. Well the windows look 5 coats before the final coat and the cedar walls took 4 before we could add the colour!!!!!!!
We're almost done, thankfully, just need to complete the trims and the last of the skirting and two doors. Then we move into the Walk-in Robe and en suite, the hardest part of this will be clearing out the Robe!!!
Walshie fell off the ladder with a full tin of paint in his hands........ once I knew he was OK it was hard not to laugh cos his face was covered in Dulux Hog Bristle!!!!!! Thankfully the drop sheets collected most of the spillage, so they were easy to scoop up and put in a bin bag along with Ian's clothes!! We have to replace the carpet but that's not so bad and the other good think is that I didn't like the look of the full strength colour so got to replace it with quarter strength. OMG I'm turning into my Mum!!
It's been like a mad house, the weather has been so humid - so paint takes ages to dry.
I've had drop sheets down everywhere from the bedroom leading to outside - just in case!!! By the time evening comes round I just flop into a chair so tired .
I've been working on a couple of things I'll share with you soon and getting ready for a Stamp TV blog hop on the 18th. Later today I have my project for Selma's Challenge on TMITA/PCC so I hope you'll pop back for that.
Enough of me going on I'd better get some washing on the line the sun's out (for a change).
Hope to see you later.....

Sounds like an exciting week! Michael will never let me paint over the top of timber- but I'm with you- I like light and bright! Glad Walshie did not hurt himself falling off the ladder LOL!
wow wore me out just reading it, but it will be well worth it when it is all accomplished and put back together, although that may already be! :O) and if so the bright side would be you are done and now enjoying it! :O)
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