Hello, are you still beavering away getting ready for the festive season? Does your house smell of cinnamon and spices from the baking of traditional family favourites?
Ian and I are spending Christmas with friends out of Sydney this year, coming back for the New Year celebrations. This last year has just flown past.....like most years we've had highs and lows but in the main it hasn't been too bad and we're grateful for that. We know there are many who have not been so fortunate. The early part of the year seemed to be filled with natural disasters. It was a sad year too, loosing a crafting 'friend'. Her family will be in my thoughts this year as I'm sure they will be in yours too.
Whatever your Christmas traditions may be, I wish you a safe and happy festive season and a happy and healthy new year.
I have one more Christmas project to share with you today, though you may have seen an earlier project just like it, using non traditional Christmas colours.
A friend of mine really liked the Christmas decoration I made for Heartfelt Creations and asked if I'd make one for her. This time I used red and green....... much more traditional colours and papers. She's happy and this decoration will be displayed along with so many more she brings out every year. Her house looks amazing!!
Thanks for visiting me this year. Blogging wouldn't be as much fun if you didn't!
MERRY CHRISTMAS I hope you'll call back in the new year.