Meet my new best friend........My fan and I go everywhere together at the moment :) Ian says it could double as a fly swat or a table tennis bat LOL
It's so hot here today, we're waiting for a southerly change to come through with maybe some rain......which would be NICE!!!
Thought today I'd share what's happening at the blue house!
My little craft room is getting a make-over.
We have a large space behind the garage that houses my space and what the Real Estate people called a granny flat. Walshie and I moved all my stuff into the granny flat so we had room to paint. I look sort of settled don't I.
I've taken up the length of one wall with Ian using another for his desk and a book shelf. (Couldn't possibly share that picture with you, he's a messy worker!!!).
The second TV is also in this area along with misc. furniture.... that may or may not stay, depending on what we do with the flat! I'm not sharing the plastic tubs full of fabric or the boxes full of books and magazines either..........perhaps I should be moving into the granny flat ....lol.
So the painting begins, very slowly in this heat.......Hope it's nice and cool where you are.
I think I hear the rumble of thunder.....oh goodie!