Hello Blogger's.

Thought I should explain my absence of late! Walshie and I found a house we like 4 hours north of Sydney and are in the process of buying it. I should say we first saw it back in November so it's been going on a while. Our house in Sydney will go on the market on Saturday and we've been busy getting it ready to sell. They came yesterday to take photos for the Internet and organise the floor plan. I felt physically sick for the hour and a half they were here. I hate the whole process of people wandering through my home making judgement on it and just want it to be over quickly before I really get cold feet and back out:) How silly right...... but we've been here so long......too long really. Ian tells me this is another adventure and I should be looking at it as such. After all it's not as bad as moving from one side of the world to another!
As I type this it's raining.....yet again.......I hope it's dry on Saturday! Wish us luck...............
Oooh! How exciting! Best of luck with the drama of selling your house and moving somewhere new. Walshie is right...new adventures are good!
How exciting for you both...it is so much work to get a house ready to sell. We had to sell my dad's home after he passed and it was exhausting and it was mostly empty. I would hate to have to move our home, but love the idea of a new adventure. Hope you sell quickly.
Don't over do it girl! My thoughts and prayers are with you!
How exciting!! I enjoy looking at new homes, but the hard work of selling your current place and then moving is always tough! Good luck!
sending prayers your way!!!!
Ohh I soooo know that feeling, I hope my experience is replicated for you, 6 offers in half an hour, only one half hour block of viewing and then sit back and consider the offers! Hope it goes well and I look forward to hearing about your destination!
We can't afford to buy a house but I know what you mean about feeling like you're being judged. When our letting agents come to make sure we've not destroyed the property we rent, I always feel very self-conscious. Wishing you lots of luck with preparing the house for Saturday, and for when it goes on the market.
Oh good luck! Hope you get a quick sale!
Good luck on the move....it will be an adventure, for sure. We have been in our house for over 30 years and I can imagine what a job it would be to move. Hope you have a quick sale!
It sounds like you have put lots of thought into this and there were no flighty decisions. Here is hoping all goes smoothly and it turns into a very pleasant experience for you both, Sue. Adventure indeed!
what an amazing year you have in store Sue!!! remember your word for the year and live by it, everything will go as it should and before you know it you will be enjoying your new home!! i can totally understand the dislike for people walking through your home :(
hoping it all goes well for you both, also hope the new house has amazing facilities for your crafty goodies!! :)
I can understand your unsettledness Sue...but oh how exciting! Hope all things fall into place really quickly!
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