Hello and Merry Christmas to all my blogging friends,
On Monday I received a wonderful little set from Uniko Studio Stamps...........Label Love.....Christmas is a little set that I'm sure will get a real work out all year long! I couldn't resist inking it up right away and made a couple of quick little cards for my neighbours :)

On Monday I received a wonderful little set from Uniko Studio Stamps...........Label Love.....Christmas is a little set that I'm sure will get a real work out all year long! I couldn't resist inking it up right away and made a couple of quick little cards for my neighbours :)
This first one uses a 'Free' digital stamp from Uniko as well as the sweet little label........I'm thinking this label could work for my 2013 calendar........better get busy with that!!! The strip of DP is from Carta Bella - Winter Fun.
This second one uses the little Christmas tree above a hand cut stamped label. I've added the scored lines to echo the lines in the label. To finish three little stars from ABS.
OK so these are definitely the last Christmas cards for 2012!!!!!
This will be my last post until the New Year.
My little blog is having a rest, not me you understand.... I'll be trying to make a few things to have ready to share at the beginning of 2013!
It's been a busy year and I know I've fallen a bit behind with my comments and blog visits.
Sorry! I will try and do better in the new year. Thanks for being so supportive and for all the lovely comments you've left me during the year..............You SPAMMER's need not bother though.....why waste your time! I just delete yours!
I hope you all spend time doing the things that make Christmas special in your house. If you travel over the holiday period, take it easy and stay safe.
and a
Mince pie anyone?????
Happy Christmas . Thanks for another lovely year of sharing your gorgeous creations and sorry I am so bad at commenting (i do love looking )Hope your Christmas is fun and festive and that 2013 brings love, laughter and many crafty times for you xx
Lovely cards,Sue. I think many of us have slowed down with commenting and blogging. I too hope to get back up to speed after the new year. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Hugs!
Merry Christmas from here in Jersey Sue hope yours is a happy one in your new home. Hugs xx
Both your cards are very cute. Merry Christmas Sue - saw on the news this morning that Santa has already arrived at your home. Love your picture. Think I'll pass on the mince pie!
Merry Christmas Sue! Hope you had a lovely day, and I look forward to seeing you back in the New Year!
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